As the winter thaw gives way to spring, more pedestrians will be out on the roads in Maine this summer. This means that drivers of cars and other motor vehicles need to start keeping their eyes open for walkers and joggers in order to avoid a potentially disastrous accident.
Our Bangor pedestrian injury attorneys know that there are lots of safe walking areas for pedestrians. However, there are also some dangerous areas where pedestrians could be at higher risk of getting hurt in a crash. In fact, any time drivers and pedestrians are sharing a road together, there is a risk. We urge pedestrians to stay safe and to ensure they are walking only in safe areas and we urge drivers to treat pedestrians with respect on the roads.
Pedestrian Safety Tips
The best safety tip for walkers is that those who are walking for pleasure or for fun should consider doing so on designated trails and off-road areas, far from cars that could present a danger. The MaineDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has made it a mission to ensure that pedestrian infrastructure is strong in the state and the Program uses federal funding to facilitate safety initiatives and improve the community environment by building pedestrian projects.
According to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Yearly Report, a number of sidewalks and trails were completed throughout the Bangor area last year in order to improve safety. These include sidewalks on Odlin Road as well as the creation of a new paved pedestrian and bicycle trail near Bath Commercial Street.
Pedestrians who walk on designated trails and designated recreation areas won’t have to worry as much about being hurt by negligent drivers of cars nearby, so those who walk for fun or exercise may wish to review the information from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program to find safe places to walk.
Pedestrians should also wear bright colored clothing, avoid walking at night whenever possible and never walk when intoxicated, as this can up the risk of a pedestrian accident occurring.
Drivers Help to Keep Pedestrians Safe
While some pedestrians may be able to stay on recreational trails, others are going to need to walk on roads that are shared with cars. In these situations, the drivers of the passenger cars play the biggest role in ensuring the pedestrians are safe.
Drivers of cars should ensure that:
- They check carefully for pedestrians in designated crosswalks and intersections.
- They drive at or below the speed limit depending upon weather conditions so they can stop in time if they encounter a pedestrian
- They exercise extra caution when driving through residential neighborhoods where children might be outside
- They yield the right-of-way to pedestrians when it is the pedestrian’s turn
- They refrain from driving while they are distracted or while they are too tired to pay attention
- They refrain from driving while intoxicated or impaired by either alcohol or drugs
A driver who makes a wrongful or negligent choice when encountering a pedestrian can be held legally liable for any injuries that the pedestrian may suffer in the resulting accident.