Articles Posted in Auto Accidents

With Maine’s worst storms typically coming our way in December, we usually see a spike in the number of vehicle accidents during this time. This is because even some of our most experienced drivers seem to have “forgotten” how to drive in winter conditions. As the holidays approach, more and more motorists travel through the state to visit with friends and family. This increase in traffic causes a significant increase in your risks for a car accident in Portland.Our Portland car accident lawyers understand that the winter serves as the most dangerous time on our roadways. Motorists are urged to be cautious behind the wheel when navigating through the congested holiday traffic. To help reduce the risks of an accident, the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) offers some important driving tips to keep you safe as the slow flies, through the holidays and through the entire winter season.

Safe Driving Tips from MaineDOT:

-Always drive slowly through ice and snow.

-Remember that stopping on ice without skidding takes time and distance. For this reason, you should never follow too closely to the vehicles around you, you should always drive under the posted speed limits and always keep all of your attention on the roadway. Skidding is common near bridges, off ramps and intersections as this is where black ice can form without ever being noticed.

-Don’t turn your four-wheel drive vehicle into a true “off-road” vehicle!

-Keep in mind that four-wheel drive can help you to get going faster, but it really does nothing to help you to stop any faster or help you to keep better control of your vehicle once you’ve lost traction. Yes four-wheel-drive vehicles drivers need to be cautious, too!

-Never tailgate.

-Keep extra distance between you and other vehicles to avoid becoming a part of a chain-reaction accident.

-Don’t take chances and pull out in front of oncoming vehicles.

-Remember that when the roadway is wet that you might not be able to slow down and that you’re probably not able to accelerate as quickly either. Go easy on the pedals.

-Avoid using your cruise control in winter weather.

-Try to avoid any sudden or exaggerated steering, accelerating or braking.

-If you need to stop and you’ve got anti-lock brakes, push the brake pedal down firmly and hold it down. If you don’t have these kinds of brakes, remember to pump the pedal when you need to stop quickly.

-Curb distractions, and stay alert and focused.

-Keep an eye on the vehicles ahead of you. They can help to locate problem spots on the road which may give you the split second you need to avoid an accident.

Motorists are asked to be extremely cautious on our roadways throughout the holiday season, regardless of the weather conditions. Please be safe and enjoy your holiday season.

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Recently, law enforcement officers in Maine started enforcing a relatively new law – no texting behind the wheel, according to The Maine Public Broadcasting Network. This law was recently enacted as a primary offense, meaning that officers can pull over a driver for texting without witnessing any other traffic infraction first. The law allows officers to hand over a $100 fine for anyone who is writing or reading at the wheel, including texting, using Facebook, sending or reading e-mails and fiddling with music libraries. All of these behaviors greatly increase a driver’s risk for a car accident in Portland.”Really what we’re trying to do here,” said state police Col. Robert Williams, “is get voluntary compliance because in 2010 about 39 percent of the traffic crashes’ … contributed to some type of inattention or distraction.”

Our Portland car accident lawyers understand that texting by teenage drivers in particular has become a problem throughout the U. . To help fight the problem, the U. . Department of Transportation (USDOT) launched a new public service announcement campaign called “OMG” to raise awareness about the dangers of texting behind the wheel. The campaign consists of two PSAs that will be shown at more than 525 Regal Cinema theaters, roughly 12,000 gas station pump-top screens nationwide and on the website throughout December. The USDOT feels that these mediums will help reach a significant number of teenage drivers throughout the country.

As the holiday season draws near and Portland schools let out for winter break, teenage drivers will be setting out on our roadways to visit with friends and family members to enjoy some time away from class. To help spread the message about the potential consequences of texting while driving to teenagers, the USDOT has included popular texting lingo, like “LOL” and “L8R,” in its “OMG” campaign.

Greg Dunn, the President and COO of Regal Entertainment Group, says that he and Regal Entertainment Group is pleased to join forces with the USDOT for this campaign. He says that the partnership can help to make a difference on roadways nationwide, especially during the busy travel season.

As of right now, there are 35 states have made it illegal for all drivers to text behind the wheel. Nine states, the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia have made it illegal for drivers to talk on the phone.

Parents should talk with teenage drivers about the risks, dangers and consequences of distracted driving. You’re talk can help your teen make smart and responsible decisions behind the wheel and to avoid a potentially fatal accident.

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During Drowsy Driving Prevention Week happening all this week, safe-driving advocates have been taking their message to streets in an effort to cut down on sleepy drivers who are causing traffic accidents in Maine and other states nationwide. My FOX Maine is reporting that more than 30 percent of drivers have admitted to driving while drowsy over a recent 30-day period, even though 95 percent of drivers surveyed said drowsy driving is unacceptable.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and the National Sleep Foundation are using the campaign to help raise awareness about drowsy driving car accidents in Portland and elsewhere. These accidents take the lives of about 1,550 people and injure another 70,000 every year, running up a tab of nearly $13 billion.

Our Maine car accident attorneys understand the risks and consequences that come with drowsy driving. Statistics reveal that drowsy drivers contribute to about one out of every six fatal accidents and about one in eight injury-resulting accidents. We invite you to join the prevention week’s efforts and help educate your loved ones about the dangers and consequences of this dangerous driving habit. These accidents are 100 percent preventable.

“Drowsy driving kills, just as sure as drunk, drugged and distracted driving does,” AAA Foundation president and CEO Peter Kissinger said in a foundation. “Drivers have a tendency to underestimate the impact being tired has on their driving ability.”

How to tell if you’re too drowsy to drive:

-Are you feeling irritable, aggressive or restless?

-Are you having trouble keeping your head up?

-Are you having trouble keeping your eyes open?

-Can you clearly remember the last few miles driven?

-Are you daydreaming?

-Are you yawning excessively?

-Are you blinking a lot?

-Are you overlooking traffic lights, road signs, exit or turns?

-Are you having a tough time focusing on the roadway?

-Are you swerving in and out of your lane?

To help reduce the risks of falling asleep at the wheel, you’re urged to get at least seven hours of sleep before setting out on a long car ride. You should also ride with a passenger, make frequent stops to get out and stretch, and travel at times when you’d normally be awake.

If you fail to acknowledge the warning signs listed above, you’re putting yourself and other drivers at risk for falling asleep at the wheel. Oftentimes sleepy drivers fall into 3- or 4-second periods of microsleep. This is time when drivers are actually asleep at the wheel. A vehicle can travel the length of a football field during this short amount of time and can wind up in a pretty messy accident.

“We need to change the culture so that drivers recognize the dangers, appreciate the consequences and most importantly, stop driving while sleepy,” said AAA Foundation President and CEO Peter Kissinger.

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Our late October snowstorm caught many in the Northeast by surprise, including us in Maine. As of Nov. 1, still more than a million homes along the East Coast were without power. The storm also canceled trick-or-treat adventures, caused rail-service disruptions and contributed to a number of car accidents in Maine and elsewhere.The snowstorm dumped more than 30 inches of snow in some areas. Snowfall records from the National Weather Service were broken in areas from Virginia to Maine. News sources, including My FOX Philadelphia, are reporting that more than 20 people died because of the storm’s effects.

Our Portland car accident attorneys understand that this first blast of winter weather serves as a warning for what we can expect in the coming months. Car accidents on our snowy and icy roadways were lethal in some cases. We urge residents to stay off the road when weather conditions are bad, unless you absolutely have to go somewhere.

Both western and southern Maine saw record snowfall. The most snow fell in Oxford and York counties along the New Hampshire border. More than 17 inches fell in Bridgton and about 20 inches made it in Acton. South Paris and Oxford both received about 15 inches of snow, while Springfield got about 11 inches. These are some of the highest amounts ever recorded in northern and eastern Maine, according to The Bangor Daily.

“This is an unprecedented storm because we’ve never had this much snow in October in one day,” said Michael Sempa, a meteorologist based in Gray. “We’ve beaten the previous record for the whole month in some places.”

You know the common saying about the weather here in New England — “If you don’t like it just wait a minute!”sAnd that’s exactly what the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is recommending. Drivers shouldn’t drive in poor conditions. Car accidents can be avoided if we all avoid these conditions, but sometimes this isn’t realistic. For that reason, we’re here to offer you with safe-driving tips for the wicked winter weather to help you get to and from your destinations safely.

Winter driving tips:

-Tune Up. Make sure you have your vehicle checked out. Be sure that tires, batteries and windshield wipers are in working condition, and that all fluids are topped off.

-Buckle Up. Always wear a seat belt. Seat belts may be your best defense against injury in the event of an accident.

-Slow Down. Remember that handling your vehicle is trickier on slick roadways, and that posted speed limits are the limits for normal, clear weather conditions.

-Pack Up. Make sure you’ve got an emergency kit in your vehicle. This kit should include water, nonperishable food, medications, a flashlight, extra batteries and warm clothing. Always travel with a mobile phone.

-Stay Alert. There’s no time for distractions when you’re driving down a snowy road. Keep all of your attention on the task at hand — driving.

-Stay Informed. Check out MaineDOT’s Travel Information Service or call 511 or 1-866-282-7578 to learn about possible delays resulting from weather conditions or traffic accidents.

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As all of the zombies, ghosts, goblins and mummies head out for some neighborhood trick-or-treating adventures, there’s another scary monster lurking in the dark — child injury in Portland, Maine. It’s true. Halloween is one of the most dangerous times for children to be out and about. Their risks for a pedestrian accident are higher during this time that during any other time of the year.Don’t worry. The South Portland Police Department and our Bangor, Maine, personal injury attorneys are here to share some tips for parents and little monsters to remember while celebrating Halloween.

Parents who are supervising young trick-or-treaters and those who are able to roam the neighborhood alone should always plan their trip before heading door to door. Everyone should plan a route that is safe — one that isn’t along any major roadways, has sidewalks or safe shoulders, is well lighted and has safe crossing areas. Trick-or-treaters of all ages should have a curfew. The later it gets, the more dangers and risks we face for a pedestrian-car accident.

Tips to avoid a pedestrian accident this Halloween:

-Try to you make yourself and your little trick-or-treaters as visible to motorists as possible. You should wear reflective tape on your costume or carry a flashlight.

-Look left and right before and during your trip across a road. Although drivers should be on their best driving behavior, you must take it upon yourself to walk cautiously.

-Never trick-or-treat alone.

-Never go into a stranger’s house or car.

-Suit your child in comfortable shoes and make sure that all costumes are short enough to prevent a trip and fall hazard.

-Do not trick-or-treat at houses with no lights on.

Candy rules:

-Never allow children to snack on candy as their trick-or-treating. Make sure they eat dinner before heading out so they’re less tempted to snack.

-Examine all candy as soon as you get home. Make sure none of the candy has been opened or tampered with. If you see a piece in question, throw it away.

-Consider handing out non-food items like spider rings, bubbles, toothbrushes, etc.

Halloween at home:

-Make sure that all trip hazards are cleared from driveways, sidewalks and front porches.

-Be sure to wipe up any wet surfaces so that trick-or-treaters are less likely to slip and fall.

-Be sure that all lights are on and working proper outside the front of your house.

-Never leave a lighted pumpkin unattended.

We can all have a safe and fun Halloween if we follow these few safety rules. Motorists are urged as always to be cautious in residential areas, especially during dusk on the 31st. Be sure to keep a lookout for monsters on the roadway to prevent a scary car accident. Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!

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Maine is proudly participating in the 2011 National Teen Driver Safety Week, which is taking place this week through the 22nd, according to MarketWatch. During this time, parents are urged to talk with their newly-licensed drivers about safe-driving habits to help reduce their risks of a car accident in Portland, Maine, and elsewhere throughout the state.Recently, the state was presented with thousands of dollars from the Ford DSFL grant to help to educate teen drivers about safe traveling habits. The funds will be used by state officials to conduct activities and events throughout the state this fall to help with the teen driver education process.

Our Maine car accident attorneys understand that teen driving habits are a frequent topic of conversation among safe-driving advocates nationwide. With inexperience comes a serious risk of injury or death on our roadways. To help our young drivers gain confidence and experience behind the wheel, parents are urged to ride along with teens even when they possess an unrestricted license. Positive reinforcement can help boost their skills behind the wheel, and more supervised driving time can help to keep them safe on our roadways.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently conducted and released its findings the risks that young drivers face.

The study concluded that teen drivers face the highest risks for an accident during their first 30 days of unrestricted driving. These risks are 50 percent higher than the risks they face during their first year of unrestricted driving, and about twice as high as the risks they face during their first two years of unrestricted driving.

Researchers conducted the study by installing cameras in the cars of teen drivers in North Carolina. About 60 percent of the accidents during a driver’s first 30 days of unrestricted licensing that a teen was found to be partially at-fault were caused by speeding, failing to yield and driver inattention.

Researchers also discovered that the involvement of speed decreased as a driver’s experience increased.

“We know that young drivers’ crash rates decrease quickly as they gain experience,” said AAA Foundation President and CEO Peter Kissinger.

Some researchers believe that teens are at such high risks during the first 30 days because of the way they were taught to drive. Many teens are allowed to drive only with parents through familiar roadways on routine trips in low-risk situations. None of this driving practice prepares them for what they will face on our roadways. Parents are urged to ride along with their teen driver in a number of scenarios, including nighttime driving, driving in the rain, driving in the snow, driving in heavy traffic, etc. This is the best way to help to prepare them for the real world of the road.

We urge that you use National Teen Driver Safety Week to talk with your teen driver about the importance of safe-driving habits and the consequences of bad ones. Unfortunately, car accidents continue to be the number one cause of death for teenagers in the U. . According to AAA, there were more than 730,000 drivers between the ages of 15 and 18 who were involved in police-reported accidents in 2009.

Go ahead and talk to your teen driver this week. Let them know about the importance of safe driving habits and about the consequences if they don’t pay close attention at the wheel. Your talk about these habits could potentially save their life on our roadway.

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A Knoxville pedestrian recently defied all odds and walked away from a car accident in Waldo County. The accident happened when a vehicle swerved to avoid hitting a deer and ran right into the man walking along the side of the road. He was taken to Eastern Maine Medical Center with a broken neck, according to the Republican Journal. The vehicle was traveling so fast that when it hit the embankment, it went flying through the air and skidded for a couple hundred feet.A second animal-related car accident in Maine turned fatal as an 18-year-old driver also tried to swerve to avoid hitting a deer. The accident happened in Harpswell when the young driver swerved to avoid contact with the animal. His vehicle was sent into trees lining the roadway. Upon striking the trees, the vehicle flipped.

Our Portland car accident attorneys would like to warn drivers about the increased risks we’ll be facing over the next few months. According to State Farm, the largest insurer of U. . private passenger auto, October through December are the most dangerous months on our roadways for deer-car accidents. From July of 2010 to June of 2011, there were more than a million car-deer accidents reported in the U. . These accidents can cause damage in a number of ways, to your vehicle, to motorists and to your pocketbook. An animal-related car accident typically costs drivers more than $3,000. Injuries can be much more serious.

In 2009, these types of accidents cost drivers nearly $5 billion. More than $3.5 billion was handed over to repair vehicle damage and about $1 billion was used to cover medical payments and other out-of-pocket costs.

In our state, there are approximately 3,000 deer-car accidents every year. About 10 accidents are reported every day and they’re reported throughout all areas of the state. In the last three years, there have been more than 9,000 accidents reported; killing two people and injuring nearly 400.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there were nearly 200 fatalities because of animal-related accidents in 2009 in the U. . These accidents resulted in another 10,000 motorist injuries.

The Maine Department of Transportation (MoDOT) offers you these tips to help avoid a deer-car accident:

-Turn on your high beams when there are no vehicles driving in front of you or any vehicles driving toward you. This will help to light up the road so that you’re better able to see deer. The light will also reflect from their eyes, which helps to make them more visible.

-Make sure that you always travel at a safe speed so that you’re able to stop quickly if you need to.

-Slow down when driving through fog and rain. Poor weather conditions reduce your ability to spot a deer.

-Always scan the roadside.

-If you see a deer cross the road, be cautious as there are probably more. Deer usually travel in groups.

-Always wear your seat belt.

-Be extra cautious during dawn and dusk. About 70 percent of these accident occurred when it was dark out.

In the last three years:

-Cumberland County experienced nearly 1,500 deer-related accidents.

-Penobscot County had more than 1,200 accidents.

-Kennebec County had more than 1,000 crashes.

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Distracted driving car accidents in Portland and elsewhere are becoming a top concern for officials as more drivers than ever are taking their eyes off the road. To help combat the problem and to save some lives along the way, the National Safety Council (NSC) has released a new video series, “Understanding Distracted Driving,” to help drivers to fully understand the dangers and the consequences of the dangerous driving behavior.Our Maine car accident attorneys understand that state officials have yet to enact a ban on cell phone use by drivers. Currently, novice drivers in Maine are the only ones who are covered under a ban of cell phone use for both hand-held and hands-free devices. As of September 28th, no driver in our state is allowed to text while operating a motor vehicle. Unfortunately, not all motorists will abide by these laws and will continue to put other driver’s lives in danger.

Throughout the NSC’s new video series, the Senior Director of Transportation Initiatives at the NSC, David Teater, addresses a dozen popular questions regarding the dangerous habit, including just how severe distractions can be, why cell phones prove to be such a dangerous distraction and how employers can create an effective and beneficial cell phone policy for all employees.

Teater has chosen to conduct these videos because he and the NSC saw him as a good fit. Teater lost his 12-year-old son in a motor-vehicle accident that involved a distracted driver in 2004.

“Cell phone use and driving are a dangerous, and oftentimes deadly, combination,” Teater said.

The NSC isn’t the only one targeting distracted drivers. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is at it, too. The NTSB recently made a proposal to ban all commercial truck drivers from using a cell phone and texting while driving.

The most recent proposal comes after a hearing that addressed a driver that was involved in a fatal accident just seconds after hanging up his cell phone. The accident took the lives of 11 people and sent local shops crumbling to the ground, according to FOX News.

According to the U. . Department of Transportation, there is a rule in place that bans truck drivers in Maine and nationwide from using texting while driving. The NTSB is trying to build on this rule by asking that the ban cover both truck and bus drivers and to prohibit both cell phone use and texting by these drivers.

“This is the most comprehensive recommendation we’ve made,” said the NTSB chairman Deborah Hersman.

The NTSB doesn’t have the authority to make something like this a federal law, so the proposal has been sent to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and each of the 50 states. This ban could potentially regulate the driving habits of nearly 3 million truck drivers in the United States and help to save thousands of lives on our roadways.

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It was a horrendous Labor Day holiday weekend for those traveling on Maine roadways with five fatal accidents and many more resulting in injuries.

Portland car accident attorneys remind us that school resuming, fall tourist season, upcoming holidays, and winter weather will all make the next few months especially dangerous. Common causes of Bangor car accidents include distracted driving, speeding, aggressive driving, drunk driving and accidents involving teen drivers.The Saturday of the Labor Day weekend, in Yarmouth, a one car accident left a motorist dead. A 36-year-old man driving his pickup left the road due to unknown causes, crashed into a tree stump and then flipped his vehicle. The victim was ejected from the vehicle which caused the fatal injuries.

That same day, a two-car crash in Mars Hill caused the death of one man and injured three others.

On Sunday, a resident of Mars Hill was arrested and charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influence that resulted in a fatal two-car crash that caused the death of a Medway man. The suspect also had in his possession methamphetamine, according to police. The 51-year-old Medway man was a passenger in his son’s vehicle when it was hit head-on on Route 1 in the accident, killing him instantly. The impact was so severe it sent the victim’s vehicle rolling into a ditch and ending up on its side. There was another passenger in the car that sustained life-threatening injuries. All occupants were trapped in their vehicles and rescue workers had to use the Jaws of Life to extricate them.

Also that Sunday, in Lamoine, police discovered the body of a woman inside a car that apparently had driven into the ocean. According to police, the roof of the vehicle was spotted in the water by a passer-by. The incident happened at the end of Route 184 that leads to the ocean’s edge. The 48-year-old victim was from Florida and was returning to her hotel after attending a family wedding. Authorities believe she got lost in her unfamiliar surroundings.

Also on Labor Day Sunday, a man was killed when he was ejected from a pickup in Hudson. The crash on Route 43 killed a 19-year-old male, when, after missing a turn, his pickup truck overturned into a field and ejected him into the woods. Police are still investigating the crash and it remains unknown if the victim was the driver or the passenger of the truck. Thus far it appears that alcohol and speed contributed to the crash.

Police in an early morning Labor Day Sunday incident in Turner found a car on fire with someone inside. It is unclear what caused the one-car crash that happened around 3 a.m. There has been a tentative ID of the victim but the name is not being released until family has been notified.

As you can see, many people were affected by these terrible accidents — both the victims themselves, but also many friends and family. Don’t mix alcohol and driving and always avoid aggressive driving, which can lead to accidents.

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Amtrak has filed a lawsuit against the Massachusetts company that owned the truck hit by the Downeaster passenger train last month in North Berwick, Maine. That truck is owned by Triumvirate Environmental Inc. of Somerville, Massachusetts.

The driver of the 18-wheeler truck was killed in the Maine car accident that happened on July 11th, according to

The truck was carrying more than 50,000 pounds of trash to a local incinerator. Police are conducting an ongoing investigation into the accident.The Amtrak driver is accusing the big rig driver of ignoring the railroad crossing controls and warnings while he was crossing the railroad tracks. Four passengers aboard the Amtrak train suffered injuries in the collision. Amtrak isn’t seeking specific damages, but they are reportedly seeking compensation for subsequent service disruption costs of $3 million. The suit was recently filed in federal court in Massachusetts.

Our Portland personal injury attorneys understand that the court filings for this case state that the crossing warnings were activated as the truck proceeded through the crossing. They also state that the truck driver “failed to heed the warnings” and drove his tractor-trailer around the lowered crossing gates and caused the accident. This case is important to bring up because accidents near railroad crossings can be oftentimes produce deadly results if the proper safety measures are not taken and if warning signals are ignored.

“Once we get it all done, we’ll release what our finding was,” says Police Chief Stephen Peasley, estimating it could be another couple of weeks.

The suit was filed on August 8th at the U. . District Court of Massachusetts by John Bonistalli, the attorney representing National Railroad Passenger Corporation.

It is estimated that a person or a vehicle is hit by a train every 115 minutes. It is also estimated that about half of these railroad accidents occur at railroad crossings when automatic warning devices, like flashing lights and gates, are present and are properly activated and working.

According to the U. . Department of Transportation, there are approximately 5,800 vehicle-train accidents each year in the United States. A majority of these accidents occur at railroad crossings. These accidents result in an average of 600 fatalities each year. These accidents also injure about 2,300 people yearly.

Common injuries of a train and car accident can include brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, concussions, other head injuries, sprains, fractures, abrasions, burn injuries and internal and various soft tissue injuries. Many of these injures can be life threatening.

Railroad accidents most oftentimes include these scenarios:

-Derailment of a train.

-Train-train collisions.
-Train-car collisions.
-Train-person collisions.
-Damage to property.

Accidents that involve a train can be very complex and difficult for the victims, especially when fighting for deserved compensation. That is why it is critical for you to contact an attorney immediately following a train wreck or railroad accident.

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