
Steps to Take After a Maine Car Accident

As people become accustomed and adjust to social distancing and the “new normal,” our shopping centers and roads are becoming busy again. With more people out and about, that also means a higher likelihood of potential accidents. Car collisions can truly occur anytime, anywhere, and often happen when you least expect it to. When you find yourself involved in an accident, sometimes it can fuel a lot of adrenaline and anxiety. However, everyone should take a few crucial steps when they’re involved in a Maine auto accident, especially in regards to reporting the incident to the proper authorities.

A recent news report discussed a car accident that took place near the entrance of a shopping center and left at least one individual hospitalized. According to those on the scene who witnessed the accident, a car collided with a sign placed where two lanes diverge. The car then slid into the opposite lane and crashed into a truck. Following the accident, local fire rescue, police, and the sheriff’s office all responded to the crash. Many cars near the accident were trapped in the lane and surrounded by emergency vehicles until law enforcement could re-direct traffic around the scene of the accident.

Auto accidents can be an extremely stressful experience, and are often laced with chaos and confusion. In Maine, following a car accident, state law requires that you file a report to the police if you are on a public road and have caused more than $1,000 in property damage or bodily injury. In parking lots or private property, however, you do not have to report. Failure to notify the local authorities of an accident is considered a Class E crime and can result in your license being suspended.

Even if the accident may have occurred on private property or you are not sure if you need to report, it is probably best to contact the police anyway and get the incident documented so that you have a paper trail. For example, sometimes, following an accident, injuries are not always apparent. People in either party could end up in the hospital or have issues arise after the adrenaline wears off.

In addition, if you are unsure if you have amassed $1,000 in property damage, it may be more than you think. Reporting is for your benefit in this case because vehicles can be extremely expensive to fix for both their parts and the labor involved, and these fees quickly add up.

Have You Been Involved in a Maine Car Accident?

If you or someone you know has been seriously injured in a Maine car accident, contact the personal injury attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates. The lawyers at our law firm have worked with clients on a wide variety of legal matters and will advocate tirelessly to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. With years of experience representing our clients on various personal injury claims, we know what it takes to hold the parties responsible for your injuries accountable. To schedule a free initial consultation, contact our office at 800-804-2004 today.

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