
Maine Injury Lawyer Blog


Rising Temps Increasing Risks for Child Heatstroke in Vehicles

Here in Portland, we’re seeing temperatures flirt with the 80s, and that means that we all need to start paying attention to our children a little more — especially when in a motor vehicle.We’re targeting the risks for child heatstroke resulting from being left inside a vehicle. Our Portland child…


Traffic Collision Reduction Goal of Federal Infotainment Guidelines

Federal regulators are hoping to reduce the number of car accident injuries in Maine and throughout the country by introducing auto manufacturer guidelines on infotainment centers that will hopefully cut down on driver distractions.Bangor car accident lawyers know that distraction is one of the top causes of serious and fatal…


Maine Texting Ban May Not Be Well-Enforced, Report Says

The rush to implement texting-while-driving bans in recent years was viewed as a rush to save lives.But the truth is, such legislative actions do very little if the resulting laws aren’t actively enforced. Unfortunately, as our Bangor car accident lawyers understand it, very few states appear to have made enforcement…


Maine Workplace Safety Violations Result in $80K Proposed Penalties

A sawmill company in southern Maine is facing nearly $80,000 in potential fines from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, following a host of workplace safety violations noted by inspectors.Our Bangor personal injury lawyers understand the inspection by federal authorities took place back in December. The three repeat violations account…


Maine Traffic Safety Watch: Prom and Graduation Most Dangerous Time of Year for Teens

Our teens are gearing up for prom and graduation season and they’re looking forward to closing out their high school career. What they might not be thinking too much about is their safety on our roadways — especially with the dangers of drinking and driving.Our teens may not be able…


Maine Railroad Safety Crossing a Dangerous Place for Collisions

In the state of Maine, there are around 1,170 miles of railroad tracks. Along these tracks, Pan Am; Maine, Montreal & Atlantic Railroad; and other railroad companies carry passengers and freight. In the vast majority of situations, the trains travel uneventfully along the tracks to their destination. In some instances,…

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