Officers recently responded to the scene of a fatal accident involving a Pan Am Railways freight train and a pedestrian. According to Bangor Daily News, the accident happened just before 8:00 p.m. Officers were forced to shut down a section of Forest Avenue — the part that runs from Walton…
Maine Injury Lawyer Blog
Bangor Child Safety an Important Focus of Halloween
Halloween is one of the most enjoyable times of the year for kids, but amid the fun of trick-or-treating and costumes, parents need to be aware of several safety issues. According to My FOX Maine, it’s best to warn children not to eat any treats before an adult has carefully…
Maine Work Accidents Claim 20 Lives in 2012
Did you know that if you’re injured on the job, you’ve got 30 days to report it?sIf you don’t do so within this time frame, your claim will be barred. And the report shouldn’t include just work injuries, but should also include any kind of pain that you experience on…
Drowsy Driving Causes Teen Rollover Accident on Snows Cove
A Deer Isle teen escaped serious injury when her vehicle veered off the road and flipped over. According to BDN Maine, the 18-year-old driver was heading west on Snows Cove when the accident happened just before 2:00 a.m. Her vehicle went off the road, hit a tree and rollover over.…
Dangerous Baby Products Could be in Your Child’s Nursery
Most parents spend a lot of time getting ready for their new baby to arrive – picking out just the right color of paint for the room, making sure there are enough bottles and burp clothes and buying toys that will be safe and mentally stimulating.The problem is that it…
Unnecessary Surgeries in Maine Can Lead to Major Complications
At the age of 22, a semi-professional baseball player was told if he wanted to live to see 30, he would need to have a pacemaker installed.Such major heart surgery, as such a young age, startled the young player, who had initially sought treatment after a brief fainting spell. But…
Drunk Driving a Costly, Risky Chance in Maine
A local man, who reportedly slammed into a parked vehicle, is now facing some serious charges. According to The Bangor Daily News, the accident happened on Broadway near the John Bapst Memorial High School just after midnight.When officers arrived at the scene of the accident, the driver was gone but…
Maine Travel Safety: Tire Wear and Heat Increases Risk for Traffic Accidents
The summer’s is at its peak, as is that heat as the Maine tourism season heads towards autumn. Tire safety will be particularly important through the remainder of the summer travel season, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Tire failure accounts for about 11,000 accidents each and…
Remember to Watch for Bicyclists Throughout The Summer
A 23-year-old rider was hit and killed in Maine recently. It wasn’t just any ordinary ride either. It was a part of the American Lung Association’s Trek Across Maine — a 180-mile bike tour, according to the Boston Globe.According to Maine State Police, the rider was biking down Route 2…
Fourth of July Accident Risks in Portland
SAFE KIDS Maine warns that celebrators (of all ages) are at some serious risks for burn, cut and other serious injuries through the Fourth of July holiday.According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there are 200 a day (on average) who are sent to the E.R. because of a…