In recent weeks, a 21-year-old died after crashing into a tree in Frankfort. Around the same time, a 48-year-old New Harbor man was killed in a Damariscotta crash after losing control of the vehicle and veering off the road. There was also the crash in St. Francis, where a car…
Maine Injury Lawyer Blog
Father Sues Bangor, Taser Maker, For Son’s Death
A man whose son died soon after Bangor police officers used a Taser on him in an effort to wrangle him into custody has filed a lawsuit, naming not only the city police, alleging unnecessary force, but also the maker of the device, asserting the product is inherently dangerous. The…
Maine Supreme Court Rules on Child Lead Poisoning Lawsuit
When three young children and their parents were exposed to toxic lead in their rented Maine home, they sought compensation through the courts. After being denied a jury trial on some of the negligence complaints raised, the family lost the remaining claims at trial. But now, the Maine Supreme Court…
Maine Motorcycle Accidents Rise a Spring Risk
As we thaw from a frigid winter season, motorcycle enthusiasts are eager to ride. The problem is as they emerge from their winter hibernation, car and truck drivers aren’t used to watching out for them. Motorcyclists must drive defensively, or risk a potential crash. Bangor motorcycle injury lawyers note several…
Maine Supreme Court Takes on Underinsured Motorist Coverage
The Maine Supreme Judicial Court recently sided with the parents of a 16-year-old killed in a 2009 car accident, allowing them to move forward in their quest for underinsured motorist benefits. The core issue was the content of a verbal agreement that took place when the teen initiated the purchase…
Inclement Weather Continues to Affect Maine Drivers
Two young drivers collided with on another recently on an icy road in Calais, about two hours northeast of Bangor. Both drivers suffered injuries, but thankfully survived. This might not have been very noteworthy, but for the fact that the two turned out to be siblings – an 18-year-old high…
Deadly Teen Crash in Maine Has Investigators Searching for Clues
Sheriff’s deputies in Warren know this much: An 18-year-old driver’s pickup truck crossed the center line of Route 1 shortly before 7:30 a.m., slamming head-on into a sport utility vehicle driven by a 38-year-old woman. The SUV driver was killed instantly. Her 18-year-old son and his 18-year-old girlfriend were seriously…
Reducing Portland Traffic Injuries Goal of Funding Push
It was shortly after 5:30 p.m. when a 74-year-old Bangor man was struck by a tractor-trailer as he crossed the street, headed to an early evening Sunday service in Brewer. The man suffered critical injuries as a result of the impact, which rendered him unconscious, though he continued to breathe…
Estate of Boulier v. Presque Isle Nursing Home – Maine Nursing Home Falls
The elderly are more susceptible to injury-causing falls, which is why nursing homes and other assisted care facilities have a duty to ensure that preventative measures are in place and that proper treatment is offered should one occur. However, our Bangor wrongful death lawyers recognize that it is not enough…
Maine Snowmobile Accidents Spur State Warden’s Warning
A spate of Maine snowmobile injuries – and two crashes resulting in deaths – have prompted the state warden service to issue a formal warning urging caution, adherence to safety practices and a plea to slow down. According to the Bangor Daily News, at least eight serious snowmobile crashes occurred…