In Maine, individuals who suffered injuries or died in a car or other accident because of another’s fault, may be entitled to compensation for their damages and losses. However, even if the evidence suggests that the other party was at fault, each case presents unique circumstances that may affect liability…
Maine Injury Lawyer Blog
Maine Nursing Home Lawsuits Based on Defective Personal Protective Equipment
COVID-19 continues to cause medical, financial, and psychological stress on people throughout the United States. In addition to the general fear surrounding the virus, many people, including those residing in Maine nursing homes, face the pandemic’s continued threat. These vulnerable individuals are at risk for serious medical consequences if they…
Recovering Compensation After a Maine Pedestrian Accident
With various stay-at-home and social-distancing measures in place because of COVID-19, many of our neighbors have been spending more time outdoors. Taking an evening or early morning stroll, biking, or running have been popular activities during this time. Of course, more people outdoors also means that motorists need to be…
The Importance of an In-Depth Investigation in Maine Hit and Run Accidents
After a Maine motor vehicle accident, injury victims are likely suffering physically, emotionally as well as financially. One way to ease this burden is to pursue a claim for damages through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. However, challenges arise when the responsible party fled the scene of the…
Maine Dental Malpractice Lawsuits
Although Maine medical malpractice cases often stem from the negligence of a physician, nurse, or similar healthcare provider, a significant portion of these complaints are based on allegations of dental malpractice. Like every other medical profession, a dentist’s negligence in treatment may cause patients to suffer irreparable damage. As such,…
Maine Swimming Pool Accidents and Accidental Drownings
Amidst COVID-19 concerns, parents are trying to find engaging, stimulating, and safe ways to keep their children occupied during the summer. One of the most popular activities that children can continue to participate in during this challenging time is swimming. However, Maine swimming pool accidents are a frequent and tragic…
Court Address Scope of Automobile Insurance Policy in Recent Personal Injury Claim
The Maine Supreme Judicial Court recently issued an opinion in a plaintiff’s appeal from a summary judgment motion entered in favor of an insurance company. According to the court’s opinion, a man owned a truck that was insured by the defendant and he used it to transport an intoxicated and…
Maine Wrongful Death Lawsuits Following Fatal Car Accidents
Losing a loved one in any type of accident is a tragedy that words cannot adequately describe. While nothing can bring back a loved one who was senselessly lost as the result of a preventable accident, family members may be able to ease the financial burden associated with such a…
Do Cars Equipped with an Autopilot Feature Put Maine Drivers at Risk?
Recent video footage shows a troubling crash in which a Tesla car crashes into the top of an overturned truck laying on its side, according to one news article. The vehicle also failed to brake for the truck driver who was standing in the lane redirecting traffic. Thankfully, the truck…
CDC Reports New Coronavirus Outbreak in Maine Nursing Home
According to a recent news report, the Maine Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a spike of 71 cases of COVID-19 in the state. Approximately 57 of these new cases stem from an outbreak at a long-term care home in Cape Elizabeth. The facility primarily provides care and treatment to…