
Maine Injury Lawyer Blog


An Investigation is Critical to Recovering Damages After a Maine Accident

While accident reporting agencies group incidents into broad categories, in reality, each accident has a unique set of circumstances that can impact medical and financial recovery. Those who suffer injuries in a Maine car accident should not assume that the law entitles them to compensation. Law enforcement, emergency responders, medical…


Wrong-Way Car Accident Seriously Injures Maine Woman

Earlier this week, a collision in Portland, ME nearly claimed the life of a Portland woman. According to a recent news report, the collision occurred on Interstate 295, near mile marker 6. Evidently, at around 1:30 am, police began receiving reports of a car traveling northbound in the southbound lanes…


Maine Woman Critically Injured After Car Accident

Although traffic signals and signs usually provide instruction on what to do while driving, some rules of the road aren’t always posted. Right-of-way laws, for example, are important rules every driver should be familiar with but are not necessarily always reflected in signage. Knowing when to yield and having familiarity…


Maine Product Liability Lawsuit Based on a Company’s Marketing Practices

Every year thousands of people suffer injuries because of dangerous or defective products. In some cases, the products have been on the market for years before consumers become aware of the dangers. Those who have suffered injuries because of a product defect should contact a Maine product liability attorney to…


Maine Car Accidents Involving Police Pursuits

Police pursuits are often necessary to apprehend a suspect; however, these chases can put many innocent people in harm’s way. Maine car accidents involving police pursuits can result in serious injuries to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. While the Bureau of Justice reports that most jurisdictions maintain restrictions on police pursuits,…


Recovering Medical Bills After a Maine Car Accident

After a serious Maine car accident, victims may incur significant medical expenses that exceed their insurance policy limits. The effects of a Maine motor vehicle accident can reverberate in many ways. Treatment after an accident may involve outpatient procedures, surgeries, rehabilitation, and psychological care. Generally, injury victims are only responsible…

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