
Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit after a Maine Head-on Collision

Maine head-on collisions are typically some of the most devastating types of accidents because they tend to lead to serious injuries or death. Unlike other collisions, head-on collisions involve two cars that are traveling toward each other before the accident. In these accidents, the drivers and front passengers are often flung toward, and maybe through, the front windshield. According to the Insurance Information Institute, head-on collisions account for approximately 2 percent of motor vehicle accidents, but they lead to 10 percent of yearly accident-related deaths.

For example, recently, a Maine news report described a harrowing head-on collision involving a car and a pickup truck. An initial investigation revealed that a sedan heading east crossed into a center lane. The pickup truck driver was traveling westbound when the sedan slammed into his vehicle. The sedan driver was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected from his car. His female passenger was wearing a seat belt but died at the scene of the accident. The pickup truck passengers were wearing seat belts, but were transferred to a hospital for their injuries.

Like the collision above, most head-on accidents occur when a motorist crosses to the wrong side of the road. Although these situations may occur because of poor road conditions, defective vehicles, and bad judgment, the majority occur because of driver impairment. The at-fault driver may be fatigued or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control cites drowsy driving as a leading cause of head-on collisions.

In situations where the parties survive the accident, they are usually still left with serious injuries. The most common head-on collision injuries include traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, burns, and even paralysis. After a head-on collision, establishing liability may be challenging because the impact often causes a chain reaction, and the parties end up in vastly different locations. An attorney can assist accident victims and their loved ones in establishing the responsible parties. Attorneys can work with an accident reconstructionist to determine the events that led up to the accident. Further, attorneys can consult with physicians and review medical records to determine the extent of injuries and potential future medical expenses. Finally, and most importantly, attorneys can present a claimant’s case in a compelling and effective manner to the judge or jury.

Have You Been Injured in a Maine Car Accident?

If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in a Maine car accident, contact the dedicated attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates. The attorneys at our law firm have extensive experience successfully advocating for Maine injury victims in all types of personal injury claims. We have helped countless clients obtain compensation from at-fault motorists, negligent government entities and companies, and insurance companies. Compensation in Maine accident cases often includes payments for medical expenses such as ambulance fees, hospital stays, and rehabilitation facility costs. Additionally, compensation may include payments for lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. Contact our office at 800-804-2004 to discuss your accident case with a knowledgeable attorney. Calling is free, and we will not bill you for our services unless we can help you obtain compensation for your injuries.

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